Girl Gang Event With Special Guest Yasmine Belle
Girl Gang & Mantorship Meet-Up Next WEDS DEC at 5pm
Location: The Real Coconut (IN TOWN, NOT AT THE BEACH).
Location: https://goo.gl/maps/GUR6TnefYVmAnVPD8
Come hang with our powerful community of women & men!
✨ 5-6 pm: Talk with Yasmine Belle about learning to reduce your financial stress. Gain a unique perspective about the bigger picture that will lead to stronger financial awareness. Click link below for more details on this talk:
At 6pm, you get to choose from one of these two circles:
✨6 pm – 730:Women’s Circle for casual connecting & Mens separate mens circle with Mantorship. (Men, message for mantorship contact)
✨6 pm – 730: Speciality discussion circle following our talk on financial freedom.
✨7:30 pm-7:45 pm: Sharing Circle to share events you are hosting, to find a workout partner, or whatever else your heart desires!
✨7:45-9- Together Tulum: Mix with Mantorship Men’s Group to connect more within the community.
If it’s your first time coming to a Girl Gang Meet Up, YOU MUST REGISTER HERE for the event (Make sure to sign up for Girl Gang Connected ONE-TIME $11 option): https://www.thegirlgang.co/girl-gang-membership-pricing/
For returning visitors: The cost to join this event is 200 pesos. Plz, bring cash & exact change.
Please make sure to RSVP by messaging Ally by clicking the link (you can also ask questions here): https://wa.me/15182299283